Home TV Growing Pain
Growing Pain

Growing Pain

Focusing on four families, it tells the story of family members working hard in the face of sunshine and wind and rain, and finally reaping the rewards and growth.
《Growing Pain》 Summ

The spirited and lively girl Lin Miaomiao performed exceptionally well in the high school entrance examination and was accidentally admitted to a key high school. Her mother Wang Shengnan was very proud.Lin Miaomiao lived on campus in her first year of high school and escaped from her mother's control. She made three friends, the school beauty Deng Xiaoqi, the top students Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao. She also became the anchor of the campus radio station, making her a winner in life.Lin Miaomiao, a master of academics, suffered a crushing defeat in her grades. She faced a direct blow from Pei Yin, who ranked first in %my son's grades in the city.Wang Shengnan's fighting spirit was fully ignited, and he started his life as a companion.Enemies met on a narrow road, and they became neighbors with Pei Yin's family.

The conflict between Wang and Pei continued to escalate, but they cherished each other due to marriage problems and became best friends.As her senior year approaches, Lin Miaomiao experiences a turmoil in her parents' relationship. Qian Sanyi endures the incompatibility of her parents, Jiang Tianhao's family suddenly goes bankrupt, and Deng Xiaoqi falls into rock bottom because her mother's secret is exposed.The young people are unruly and grow vigorously like spring grass in the face of sunshine, wind and rain.After the college entrance examination is over, the teenagers go their separate ways, filled with sadness and expectations for the future.The four families experienced twists and turns, found their own directions, and gained touching growth.

《Growing Pain》Cast
Jiang Guannan / Jiang Tianhao Wang Yuwen / Deng Xiaoqi Guo Junchen / Qian Sanyi Zhao Jinmai / Lin Miaomiao
Yan Ni / Wang Shengnan Zhang Jiayi / Lin Dawei
《Growing Pain》Character Info
《Growing Pain》Stills
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  • Growing PainStills

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  • Growing PainStills

《Growing Pain》Ep Summ
《Growing Pain》Ending

Qian Sanyi brought Lin Miaomiao to check the score. The Gang of Four discussed going on a graduation trip in the group, and Lin Miaomiao looked hopeless.Lin Dawei was afraid that it would be unsafe for men and women to go out, so he took her out to eat at night. He also gave her a lot of precautions and allowed her to drink some beer. However, Lin Miaomiao picked up Lin Dawei's liquor and drank it down.

Finally, Lin Miaomiao helped Lin Dawei, who was a little drunk, back home, but she was not drunk at all.Lin Miaomiao, Qian Sanyi, Deng Xiaoqi, and Jiang Tianhao started their graduation trip. Qian Sanyi announced that he was no longer afraid of heights, and Lin Miaomiao happily took them to the glass plank road.

However, Qian Sanyi closed his eyes tightly and held Lin Miaomiao's hand without letting go. Jiang Tianhao behind him also tightened his body and did not dare to look down. He moved forward step by step. Lin Miaomiao and Deng XiaoqiHe was laughing so hard.The college entrance examination results were released, and Qian Sanyi became the number one scholar without any doubt and went to Tsinghua University: Deng Xiaoqi was admitted to Nortel; Lin Miaomiao and Jiang Tianhao stayed in Jiangzhou, and their college life was about to begin.

《Growing Pain》Calendar


《Growing Pain》Episodes 1-2 Updated on June 9, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 3-4 Update time: June 10, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 5-6 Update time: June 11, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 7-8 Updated on June 12, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 9-10 Update time: June 13, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 11 Update time: June 14, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 12 Update time: June 15, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 13-14 Update time: June 16, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 15-16 Update time: June 17, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 17-18 Update time: June 18, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 19-20 Update time: June 19, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 21-22 Update time: June 20, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 23 Update time: June 21, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 24 Update time: June 22, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 25-26 Update time: June 23, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 27-28 Update time: June 24, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 29-30 Update time: June 25, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 31-32 Update time: June 26, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 33-34 Update time: June 27, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 35 Update time: June 28, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episode 36 Update time: June 29, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 37-38 Update time: June 30, 2019

《Growing Pain》Episodes 39-40 Update time: July 1, 2019

《Growing Pain》Taglines

    【Lin Miaomiao】

    1.Those who know how to do it will not take the test, and those who can't take the test will not take the test.

    2.There are so many women in the world, why would you marry them as your wife and take me with you?

    3.There is a kind of cold that makes your mother think you are cold; there is a kind of hunger that makes your mother think you are hungry.

    4.I want to eat barbecue because I am cold.

    5.Don't waste your experience on meaningless dead knowledge.

    6.The name is like the hair and skin of the body. It is given to me by my parents. How can I allow you to tease me and ridicule me? Those who offend my name will be punished no matter how far away they are.

    7.I like you like a cloud chasing the wind, no matter where you are.I like you, like the wind that has traveled eight thousand miles without asking about the date of return.

    8.The wind may not understand the drifting of snow, the rain may not understand the loneliness of frost, the sand may not understand the vastness of the desert, the sky may not understand the desolation of rain, and the tears may not understand the fragility of eyes, but we cannot understand the pursuit of spiritual civilization.We must not understand the needs of a harmonious campus.

    9.You adults must be self-reliant and cannot always rely on your children.

    10.There are always 28 days every month when I don’t want to go to school.

    11.If the plan cannot keep up with the changes, the changes will be a joke.

    12.I want him to know where the salt is from, and where the vinegar is from, and he will have to pay it back sooner or later when he comes out to hang out.

    13.In the bright moonlight in bed, I lowered my head to eat a lunch. When I was dying, I sat up in surprise and asked the guest where he came from. I thought back to Gongjin's time, when Xiao Qiao got married, which made me unhappy.

    14.Some people seize the opportunity to use other people's maids. This is moral corruption. They do not miss any opportunity to crush us in terms of IQ. This is a loss of humanity.I didn't know how to do it at all, and I didn't know how to do it at all. I wanted to turn over, but I didn't expect it to stick to the pan.

    15.When the sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is undefeated and will dominate the world for eternity.

    16.The spring breeze is ten miles away, fifty miles away, one hundred miles away, the body measures 800 meters, and the seabed is 20,000 miles away.Dove chocolate, vanilla-flavored Baxi, cocoa brownie, durian jackfruit, cheese corn kernels, mashed potatoes with chicken sauce, black pepper beef tenderloin, braised spicy chicken, braised pork ribs with vinegar fish, they are not as good as you, they are all not as good as you.

    17.People like Qian Sanyi are what parents call other people's children, specifically used for comparison, to sow discord between parents and children, and to undermine the confidence of their own children. He is the public enemy of the people.

    18.I like you like sine squared and cosine squared, always the same.

    19.If we had known that the world was so miserable, we should not have come down to earth in the first place.

    20.I am your gun. I shoot wherever you point me. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to catch dogs, I will never chase chickens.

    twenty one.When it comes to love letters, you have to write them more artistically, sing the wind and praise the moon, combine reality with reality, and move people with emotion.

    twenty two.Expressing feelings in a concrete way reflects the poet's pursuit of love without hesitation and regardless of sacrifice.

    twenty three.Parents gave us life and teachers gave us knowledge, so we should respect and understand teachers and make the relationship between teachers and students harmonious.

    twenty four.Let's take the holidays before teachers go crazy, and start school before parents go crazy.

    25.I closed the math window, closed the physics door, plugged the chemical sewers, and blocked the biological sewers. Even the geography dog ​​hole was built with cement for me.

    26.The fish has its own path, the shrimp has its own path, the screw has no path, only the windlass turns.

    27.Selfish, a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, despicable, using people to go forward and not using people to go behind, shameless, and those who cross the river and demolish the bridge will take the tea away.

    28.I began to think about a question, in this beautiful campus, is it possible for me to know every classmate and every teacher, is it possible for me to smell every flower, brush against every leaf, and leave behind in every cornerHave you ever thought about your own imprints like this?

    29.People say that looking back five hundred times in the past life is the only way to pass by each other in this life. Look at the partners around you. This is how many reincarnations you have gone through before you can get to know, know and be familiar with the people around you.

    30.The trajectories of people are just like being teased. Since there are good times of crossing and gathering, there must also be helpless plots of parting ways.

    31.What I want to sigh most are those parallel lines that never intersect. Just like you and I who have never met before, we are obviously not far apart. We experience the sunrise and sunset together every day, breathe the air under the same sky, and maybe evenWe served lunch at the same cafeteria window, but I never saw you. Is it possible for us to meet?

    32.No matter how difficult the liberal arts subjects are, I won’t get tired; no matter how easy the science subjects are, I will collapse.

    33.In the three years of high school, how many handsome guys became Zhao Rongbao, and how many lolita became Xianglin's wife.

    34.Everyone who shakes his legs has a sewing machine in his heart.

    【Jiang Tianhao】

    35.There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty. Its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in one pot.It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. Peng is so big that it requires two barbecue grills, one secret and one spicy, and a bottle of snowflakes to take you to the end of the world.

    36.In the hearts of a thousand people, there are a thousand Hamlets, and in the hearts of a thousand chefs, there are a thousand flavors.

    【Lin Dawei】

    37.Most people are just gravel in this universe, but some people can make a hole in this universe, at least on this earth.

    38.Don't be demoralized if you are poor, don't be crazy if you are rich.

    39.I am naturally willing to help others, unlike you who judge people by their appearance. If I look beautiful, I have evil intentions. If I look ugly, I will serve the people.

    40.How much do you listen to what your parents taught you back then? After all, you just don't want to admit that our children are ordinary children.

    41.Marriage is an absurd creation that can only exist through infinite kindness.

    42.When you are young, you have eaten up the sweetness, and when you are old, you will only have to suffer.

    43. 18-year-old girl, don’t say never.

    44.Between relatives, I will give you a lift when you are tired, and you will give me a lift when I am tired.

    45.We both look forward to the stars and the moon, looking forward to your return.

    46.In the future, if you encounter a scalp problem, leave it to your father. If you turn around and leave, your father will take the bullet for you.

    47.People can't live too realistically. If their parents live a careless life, where will the poetry and distance come from in their children's hearts?

    48.Your every move, every frown and every smile is in the heart of your parents. They want you to be happy, but they are afraid that you will get carried away; they hope that you will suffer setbacks, but they are afraid that you will not be able to afford them; they want you to be popular, but they are afraid that you will be looked down upon;I hope you can enjoy being alone, but I'm afraid you'll be depressed.This feeling can only be experienced after you become a parent.

    49.If you read books and gain discernment, then pursue your dreams and have your own opinions, you won't follow what others say.

    50.It doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is your efforts and timing. Your efforts may lie, but they will never be in vain.

    51.Rather than saying that we accompany you, it is better to say that we want you to accompany us more.

    52.After the children came home, they staged three dramas: the first one was a happy reunion, the second one was disgusted, and the third one was parting.

    53.A wife is a man’s fixed cost. She takes care of your food and drink, warms your bed and sleeps, helps you give birth to children, and respects the elderly. Like our Shengnan, he still has to go out to work and make money. Good things all have tempers. This investmentNo place to look.

    54.Remember, your wife maintains her value, or even appreciates it.

    55.Most of the children managed to survive from boarding school.

    56.If a person can do it once, he can do it hundreds of times; if a person can do it ten times, he can do it a thousand times. If you are able to do this, you will be wise even if you are stupid, and you will be strong even if you are soft.

    57.You have to force yourself to be excellent, because as long as you become excellent, everything will get better.

    58.Don't expect to meet the right person all day long, because even if you do, you won't be able to catch it.

    59.If you are excellent, the right people will naturally stand by your side. The wrong people will get separated sooner or later, but those who love each other will eventually meet again.

    60.Deal with emotions first, and then deal with things. This is to say how important emotional intelligence is.

    61.When it comes to blacksmithing, you must be tough on yourself. If you are tough on yourself, it will be difficult for even the gods to speak.

    62.Being in your forties is a relatively embarrassing age. You can neither pretend to be young and blend in with young people like you can in your thirties, nor can you be willing to be merged into the same category by the age of fifty.

    63.For people in their forties, they are a special group with extremely high sensitivity. The most taboo word for them is old, because old has been waiting at the door for a long time.

    64.The child should be more affirmative and less negative, especially don't always talk to her in a negative and blaming tone.

    65.When you encounter problems and tests, you can't let the villain in your heart get in your way. You must insist on choosing the path that you may not want to choose, but it is the right path.

    66.Happiness is a natural need, hard work is a survival need, and survival is the top priority in life. A person's happiness, and happiness throughout his life, all have a flow.

    67.Hatred is like a thorn, it can hurt yourself as well as others. When you encounter injury and unfairness, the last thing you should do is for others to throw you a coconut and you throw back a durian.

    68.We have worked hard not to let our shortcomings of selfishness, laziness, inferiority, and pride defeat our future life.

    69.When men encounter problems, they need to be alone.Unlike women, we need to talk to each other.

    70.After entering society, people don't care what you study, it mainly depends on your ability.

    【Wang Shengnan】

    71.Your hair is so thick, can you see the future?

    72.The weather is so hot, don't let your children freeze.

    73.Poetry and the distance are nothing more than longing for each other, and they are all a piece of cake.

    74.The children have what they eat when they are at home, and they eat what they have when they are not at home.

    75.Clear water produces hibiscus, dirty water produces fermented bean curd.

    76.Remember four words when you go out: reach out and ask for money—ID card, mobile phone, keys, wallet.

    77.Hourly worker aunt, seeing how diligent you are and how hard you climb up and down to please, people will think you are a free hourly worker aunt who can't move when she sees a beautiful and enchanting woman.

    78.To relax while grasping is to grasp with relaxation, turning invisible management into tangible attention.

    79.Marriage to a woman is like the relationship between a canvas and a picture frame. With a picture frame, she always feels that there is an extra layer of protection and a layer of security. No matter what form it takes, in short, she will feel more at ease..

    80.You are a kind person, a pure person, a moral person, and a person who has escaped from vulgar taste.

    81.The college entrance examination is to temper your will. You must become more courageous as you fight. It is better for you to fall down when you are frustrated and give up.

    82.Children who can take on important responsibilities will have five stripes on their arms from an early age.

    83.The temple is small and the rules are big, but the water is shallow and there are many fools.

    84.The brain stuffed with leeks, the heart filled with leeks, is pure and confused.

    85.Learn from good people and learn from witches. The learning atmosphere in the class is the most important.

    86.If you want to be prominent in front of others, you must suffer behind your back.

    87.If I am an eagle, I should fight in the sky and resound through the clouds. If I am a dragon, I should fly around the world. I can be at ease with the stormy waves.

    88.Young people, make mistakes early and correct them early. When you enter society in the future, if you are still as arrogant and arrogant as you are now, you will suffer big losses and stumble, and the price will be huge.

    89.You men are so big-hearted, I feel like we swam to the shore, and she was pushed into the raging waves by us.

    【Qian Sanyi】

    90.The impact of emotional intelligence on a person is 9 times higher than IQ.Deal with emotions first, then deal with things, step by step, and achieve a small goal first.

    91.What are you looking at? What am I looking at?There is a kind of fish called the big spale. There are two sexes of this fish, male and female. As long as they look at each other deeply, the eggs will be fertilized and then give birth to small fish.This is the origin of the Internet term "staring at someone's pregnancy".

    92.How much heat is needed for a male peacock to open its tail and which muscles are used?Go and ask the male peacock. How would I know if I don't open my tail? With such spectacular feathers, I think it must be very tiring.

    93.Mathematics can make people thoughtful, and it can lead us to explore a more mysterious, profound and beautiful world.

    94.The conquered mountains will always be left behind.

    95.Some people's brain capacity is not that big, they only have 16 G's, and they cannot instill it even if they want to.

    【Deng Xiaoqi】

    96.Center-parting looks at the nose, straight bangs looks at the face shape, slanted bangs looks at the temperament, and no bangs looks at the facial features.

    97.Jiang Tianhao is a central air conditioner, he is warm to everyone, but I prefer that kind, he is very cool to everyone, but he is warm to me.

    98.This class is full of aliens, all bent on taking the top exam, but luckily you are there.

    99.You are a little fairy, you can eat and sleep in the open air and rely on photosynthesis, but I am always in the human world.

    100.Self-study classes, as the name suggests, should be done with everything that has nothing to do with learning, such as talking small talk, eating snacks, and doing homework.

《Growing Pain》Related Info

The crew screened nearly 10,000 times for the four roles played by Lin Miaomiao, Qian Sanyi, Deng Xiaoqi, and Jiang Tianhao.

The drama was filmed during the 2018 Football World Cup. Besides filming, Yan Ni and Zhang Jiayi also watched the game together.

《Growing Pain》 In "Growing Pain", Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei go into quarrel mode when they disagree over trivial matters and educational issues, presenting a lively and funny daily life of a couple.In particular, Wang Shengnan started to criticize his daughter as soon as he went online, and his mother's critical nagging resonated with the audience.

《Growing Pain》focuses on high school education.Like other educational TV dramas, this drama not only reflects educational issues, but also uses education as a prism to reflect other social issues of concern, such as differences in educational concepts, conflicts between generations, and the years-long relationship between middle-aged couples.itch.

《Growing Pain》Like most other educational TV series, Lin Miaomiao's parents in the drama also have the character and attitude settings of “Tiger Mom” and “Cat Dad”.In addition to the realistic portrayal of the parents, the play also contains frequent lines and lines, which have also been recognized by the audience.

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