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Qin Zhenzhen spends his time in China

Qin Zhenzhen is Pei Wenxuan's Bai Yueguang, and she is also Li Chuan's favorite woman.For her, he can even go crazy, so how much do everyone know about Qian Zhenzhen?I believe the best way to understand it must be through relevant information. Here are all the information you need most, which has been prepared for everyone.

《Spending Chinese Years》Xun Chuan and Qin Zhenzhen are the same person.When the Qin family's situation suddenly changed, Li Rong had a secret conver ...

Auth:Core WaterJul 09, 2024

Pei Wenxuan's good impression of Qin Zhenzhen is just an illusion caused by the constraints of family tradition.He has been told by his family that Qi ...

Auth:Big Stuffy HeadJul 04, 2024

In Du Hua Nian starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe, the latest plot once again brought the audience into a complex world full of intrigue and emotio ...

Auth:Little DiuJul 04, 2024

Pei Wenxuan's emotional relationship with Qin Zhenzhen affected his and Li Rong's previous life.In the last life, it was because Pei Wenxuan paid some ...

Auth:Hungry WolfJul 04, 2024

《The Princess Royal》Qin Zhenzhen did not develop love for Pei Wenxuan. Instead, she expressed her willingness to break off the engagement to her fam ...

Auth:CharmJul 03, 2024

In the royal disputes in his previous life, Prince Li Chuan's fate was bumpy and complicated.He originally had a deep implicit relationship with Shang ...

Auth:OverlordJul 01, 2024

《Spending Chinese Years》Qin Zhen faked his deathThen Li Rong found Qin Zhenzhen alone and told her that if she wanted to stay with him, she would no ...

Auth:Big Stuffy HeadJul 01, 2024

The real reason why Qin Zhenzhen changed his name during his lifetimeBecause of Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's rebirth, everything changed.Qin Zhenzhen did ...

Auth:OverlordJul 01, 2024

Until the complete break with his mother, until the aristocratic families united to attack the emperor, until the one he loved died because of his own ...

Auth:OverlordJul 01, 2024

《Spending Chinese Years》Qin Zhenzhen joins Li RongAfter rebirth, everything will change.In this life, Qin Zhenzhen did not die tragically, but she s ...

Auth:Core WaterJul 01, 2024

《Du Hua Nian 》 is a costume romance directed by Gao Yijun, written by Rao Jun, starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe, starring Chen Heyi, Liu Xuwei, ...

Auth:Little ButterflyJul 01, 2024

《Du Hua Nian 》 This ancient romance drama directed by Gao Yijun, scripted by Rao Jun, starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe, is currently on the air ...

Auth:Little ButterflyJun 28, 2024

The launch of Du Hua Nian was like a blockbuster, instantly igniting the audience's enthusiasm for watching the drama.This costume drama with themes o ...

Auth:OverlordJun 28, 2024

《Spending Chinese Years》The ending of Qin ZhenzhenQin Zhenzhen was Li Chuan's favorite concubine in her previous life, and Pei Wenxuan's old love, b ...

Auth:Little ButterflyJun 27, 2024

Qin Zhenzhen's endingThe first Qin Zhenzhen died tragically in the palace, causing Li Chuan to be furious.With all the changes in the second life, wha ...

Auth:Holy SonJun 27, 2024

《The Princess Royal》The truth about Pei Wenxuan and Qin Zhenzhen’s breakup of engagementYou know, Pei Wenxuan and Qin Zhen were actually engaged, b ...

Auth:CharmJun 27, 2024

《Spending Chinese Years》What did Li Chuan do because Qin Zhenzhen died?When Li Chuan knew the real cause of Qin Zhenzhen's death, he did four things ...

Auth:Enchanting IceJun 27, 2024

《Spending Hua Nian》Why did Qin Zhenzhen die tragically?Everyone knows from previous episodes that Pei Wenxuan seems to have a White Moonlight Qin Zh ...

Auth:Core WaterJun 27, 2024