Home Movie The Animal Kingdom
The Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

《The Animal Kingdom》 Summ

In the not-too-distant future, a sudden and mysterious epidemic sweeps the world.It is not spread through the air or through contact, but its effects are more profound and terrifying than any known disease.The disease's initial manifestations are shocking skeletal mutations, with victims' bodies growing fur or scales and their original human features gradually fading away until they disappear.

Faced with this unprecedented disease, governments around the world are helpless.They tried to study the cause of the disease but found nothing.As the number of infected people continues to increase, society has fallen into panic and chaos.In order to control the situation, the government had to take extreme measures to forcibly take in all infected people who had turned into beasts and isolate them in special shelters.

François was one of the victims of this disaster.His wife, who was originally a gentle and virtuous woman, became a different person under the attack of the disease.Her face was distorted, rough scales grew on her body, and her eyes became cold and unfamiliar.But François still loves her deeply, and he believes that under that mutated face, she is still his beloved wife.

In order to find his wife, François traveled around with his adolescent son Amy.Whenever they learned that their wives might be moved to a new shelter, they would move and follow without hesitation.Their lives were full of uncertainty and hardship, but François never gave up hope.

Amy struggles to fit in with her new classes at her new school.He tried to hide his inner fear and anxiety, but the changes in his body made it increasingly difficult for him to speak.He found that his skin began to become rough and small scales grew between his fingers.He didn't dare tell anyone, including his father.

Amy's physical changes attracted the attention of her classmates.They began to distance themselves from him and even laughed at his strangeness.Amy's heart was filled with loneliness and despair, and he felt that he was destined to be abandoned by the world.

However, at this seemingly desperate moment, Amy unexpectedly discovers a clue that may reveal the truth about the disease.By chance, he discovered an ancient book about mysterious creatures and ancient curses.The book describes an ancient curse that is eerily similar to the symptoms he and his mother experienced.

Amy decides to investigate the truth of the curse.He began studying clues in ancient books, looking for a possible way to lift the curse.In the process, he met some like-minded friends, and they explored and researched together, hoping to find the key to solving this problem.

As time passed, Amy gradually revealed the secret behind the curse.It turns out that this mysterious illness is not a natural disaster, but a man-made conspiracy.A secret organization is trying to create a new biological race by changing the genetic structure of humans.However, their experiment got out of control, leading to this disaster.

Amy and his friends decide to step forward and expose the truth about the conspiracy.They made their findings public and called on the government and society to pay attention to this issue.Thanks to their efforts, more and more people are paying attention to this mysterious disease and joining the search for a solution.

Finally, with the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society, they found a way to lift the curse.The infected people began to gradually return to normal human characteristics, and society gradually returned to its former peace.François' wife also gradually recovered under treatment. Although her face could not be completely restored, her heart was still full of love for her husband and son.

Amy and his father finally ended their wandering life and returned to their former home.Their lives are back on track, but they will never forget those days of fear and despair.This experience made them appreciate their current life more and also made them understand the importance of unity and courage.

《The Animal Kingdom》Stills
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