Home Movie Across the Furious Sea
《Across the Furious Sea》Release

《Across the Furious Sea》Will be at 2023-11-25 broadcast,《Across the Furious Sea》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

On the rough sea, Lao Jin (played by Huang Bo) works hard to fish every day just so that his daughter Jin Lina (played by Zhou Yiran) can successfully complete her study abroad.However, the cruelty of fate caused him to suffer unspeakable pain.The news that his daughter died mysteriously after being stabbed 17 times caused Lao Jin's world to collapse instantly.The biggest suspect turns out to be her daughter's boyfriend Li Miaomiao (played by Zhang Youhao).

Anger and grief intertwined in Lao Jin's heart, and he decided to embark on a road of revenge across the sea to find the real murderer.During the investigation, Lao Jin gradually discovered that Li Miaomiao was not the only suspect, and the truth seemed to be hidden deeper.At the same time, Li Miaomiao continued to abscond under the protection of her mother Jing Lan (played by Zhou Xun), making the whole case even more confusing.

In this human mystery, Lao Jin, Li Miaomiao, Jing Lan and all the people involved were involved.They have complex relationships and motives with each other, and each one may be the real murderer or just an innocent victim.As the investigation deepened, Lao Jin gradually discovered that there was a deeper secret hidden behind this tragedy.

In the process, Lao Jin also constantly reflected on his relationship with his daughter and his persistence in revenge.He began to realize that revenge would not bring real relief, but might instead plunge him into deeper pain.The real relief may lie in love and forgiveness.

However, when Lao Jin finally found the real murderer, he discovered that the real murderer turned out to be... And at this time, how should Lao Jin choose?Should we continue on the path of revenge, or choose forgiveness?