Home Movie New Dragon Gate Inn
《New Dragon Gate Inn》 Summ

The film tells the story of Qiu Moyan, a loyal daughter who lives among the people, and the Ming Dynasty coastal defense map in her hands. Jin Xiangyu (played by Lou Yixiao), the proprietress of Longmen Inn, and Zhou Huaian (played by Liang Sen), a knight-errant, join forces to fight against a mysterious and mysterious figure.The powerful Japanese puppet master (played by Chen Zhipeng) and the Dongchang forces who came to hunt him staged a intrigue and intrigue.

All the forces will sing and I will appear on the stage, stirring up the storm on the strange dragon boat of Longmen Inn. In such a dangerous situation, Jin Xiangyu and Zhou Huai'an have both the pride of fighting side by side and the firm righteousness of family and country., the sentiments in it are moving.

This time, the film reinterprets the classic story. What will be the ending of the relationship between the two and where the Dragon Gate Inn will end up? The suspense is waiting to be revealed by the audience.