This film tells the story of three brothers, A Qi (played by Huang Zongze), A Mao (played by Zhang Jicong) and Jin Zai (played by Chan Jiale), who grew up together in the ever-changing world of Hong K
In an abandoned chemical factory on the outskirts of a border city, a thrilling arrest operation was underway.Special police captain Yuan Haiyang (played by Ying Hao) led his team to capture Chen Sanf
Under the vast starry sky, retired special police officer Zhou Dongyang stared into the distance, with indescribable emotions surging in his heart.Former comrade-in-arms, now regretful, the scene wher
After Pangu created the world, a delicate balance was formed between heaven and earth.However, in order to stabilize this nascent space, Patriarch Hongjun decided to take a major move.He took the yin