This film tells the story of three brothers, A Qi (played by Huang Zongze), A Mao (played by Zhang Jicong) and Jin Zai (played by Chan Jiale), who grew up together in the ever-changing world of Hong K
In the prosperous land of Northeast China, there is an upright little policeman named Li Hongqi.He hates evil as much as he hates it, is selfless and is deeply loved by the local people.One day, durin
The Hongtai Group's election replacement meeting is in full swing, and the brutal battle between the top executives for power has attracted the attention of both black and white.However, at this criti
The movie - Under the Light - tells the story of Su Jianming, an ordinary young policeman who works at the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Identification Center, who embarks on a thrilling investigative j
《No More Bets》 is an anti-fraud crime film produced by Ning Hao, directed by the screenwriter of the Olympic bid, and starring Zhang Yixing and Jin Chen. It tells the story of a frustrated programme