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Gao Siwen

Gao Siwen

Mainland China actress
  • Gender:female
  • Birth:Aug 06, 1999
  • Height:166cm
  • Nat:China
  • Birthplace:Henan
  • Works: 《Records of Weird Stories from the Tang Dynasty》《 Begonia is rouged in the rain》《 mother said》《 auspicious and unhappy》
Gao SiwenBio

On August 6, 1999, a little girl named Gao Siwen was born in Henan Province. Her fate seemed to be destined to be closely linked to her acting career.Today, she has grown into a high-profile actress in mainland China. With her wonderful performances in many film and television works, she has won wide recognition from audiences and industry insiders.

As early as 2008, Hao Siwen, who was only 9 years old, participated in the children's TV series - Naughty Bao Ma Xiaotiao - and officially entered the entertainment industry.Although she is still young, her performance in the play is impressive and she shows her innate acting talent.Since then, Gao Siwen's acting career has been smooth sailing. She has continued to film various film and television works and accumulated rich acting experience.

In 2010, Siwen Gao participated in the period emotional drama "Hawthorn Tree Love" adapted from Amy's novel of the same name.This drama not only allowed her to work with many powerful actors, but also allowed her to show more mature acting skills on the screen.Her performance was real and delicate, and she successfully created a three-dimensional and infectious character image, which won unanimous praise from the audience.

In 2016, Gao Siwen ushered in an important turning point in her acting career.She played the role of Yin Lingzhi in the anti-war film - The Party's Daughter Yin Lingzhi.After the film was released nationwide, Gao Siwen successfully made the audience remember the image of this strong and brave girl with her superb acting skills and deeply rooted performance.Her performance not only won the recognition of the audience, but also received high praise from industry insiders.

Since then, Gao Siwen's acting career has become even more prosperous.She successively participated in works such as the period emotional drama-Begonia Jingyu Rouge Tou-and the costume palace drama-Dugu Tianxia.In these dramas, she not only showed a variety of acting styles, but also successfully created a series of deeply rooted characters.Her performances are becoming more and more mature and profound, and she has become a high-profile new star in the film and television circles of mainland China.

In 2021, the fantasy and suspense sweet pet movie starring Gao Siwen - The Legend of Changbai Snake - will be broadcast on Tencent Video.This movie not only allowed the audience to see her more diversified acting style, but also allowed her to usher in a new breakthrough in her acting career.Her performance was more comfortable and smooth, showing a deeper acting skills.

Looking back on Hao Siwen's acting career, it is not difficult to find that she has always maintained her love and persistence for acting.She used her own hard work and sweat to transform from a rising star on the screen to a powerful actress step by step.Her success comes not only from talent and hard work, but also from her love and persistence in her acting career.

Gao SiwenFilm & TV
Gao SiwenRoles