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Zhang Zhilu

Zhang Zhilu

  • Gender:male
  • Birth:Jun 21, 1992
  • Height:173cm
  • Nat:China
  • Birthplace:Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
  • Works: 《I'm waiting for you in the future》《 life is as bright as the sun》《 Fog Tracking》《 New Boy Bao Zheng》《 Under Strangers》《 My Boyhood》
Zhang ZhiluBio

Zhang Zhilu, this name may have been just a child star on the screen many years ago, but now, he has grown into a bright new star in the film and television industry in mainland China.He was born in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province on June 21, 1992. He has shown a strong interest and talent in acting since he was a child.He graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy and has now become a high-profile film and television actor.

It can be said that Zhang Zhilu's acting career was paved since he was a child.On September 6, 1995, he entered the Shanghai TV Station Xiaoyingxing Art School to study film and television performance and began his acting career.Two years later, he was selected to join the Shanghai TV Station Little Star Art Troupe and became a real actor.

In the following years, Zhang Zhilv participated in many TV series and movies, gradually leaving a deep impression on the audience.In 1999, he starred in his first TV series - Shanghai Vicissitudes -, showing his acting skills and potential.After that, he successively appeared in many works such as "Lu Xun" and "Spring Stepmother's Heart", gradually emerging in the film and television industry.

As he grows older, Zhang Zhilu's acting skills also become increasingly mature.Not only can he control various types of characters, but he can also vividly show the inner world of the characters.In 2009, his outstanding performance in the family emotional TV series - Wrong Love 2 - won widespread praise from the audience.In 2014, he won the Golden Crane Award for Best Actor in the Second China (Wuhan) Micro Film Competition for his role in the micro film - My Coming of Age Ceremony, which further proved his strength and influence.

In recent years, Zhang Zhilu has produced more and more works, and his roles have become more and more diverse.His performance in the legendary costume drama - The General is Up - was impressive, and in the fantasy movie - The Fate Master: The Flying Divine Beast, he showed another side of himself.In addition, his wonderful performances in the youth campus emotional drama - I'm Waiting for You in the Future - and the suspenseful science fiction online drama - Missing Persons have also won the love and popularity of young audiences.

Recently, Zhang Zhilv has starred in the emotional rescue drama - Hello, Flame Blue - and the science fiction movie - Battlefield: Alien Havoc -, once again demonstrating his acting skills and charm.His outstanding performance in these works not only won the love of the audience, but also made his position in the film and television industry more stable.

From a child star to today's rising film and television star, Zhang Zhilu's growth path has been full of hardships and sweat.But with his own hard work and talent, he got to where he is today step by step.His performance style is natural and real, and can penetrate people's hearts, allowing the audience to feel the emotions and inner world of the character.His acting skills have also been recognized and praised by people in the industry, and he has become a high-profile new star in the film and television industry in mainland China.